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msix 3.8.0

2024-06-24 03:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


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MSIX is a Windows app packaging format from Microsoft that combines the best features of MSI, .appx, App-V, and ClickOnce to provide a modern and reliable packaging experience.

This package offers a command line tool for creating MSIX installers from your Flutter app, making it easy to publish your app to the Microsoft Store or host it on a website.

📋 Installation #

In your pubspec.yaml, add the msix package as a new dev dependency with the following command:

PS c:\src\flutter_project> flutter pub add --dev msix 📦 Creating an MSIX installer #

To create a MSIX installer, run the following command:

PS c:\src\flutter_project> flutter pub run msix:create ⚙️ Configuring your installer #

You will almost certainly want to customize various settings in the MSIX installer, such as the application title, the default icon, and which Windows capabilities your application needs. You can customize the generated MSIX installer by adding declarations to an msix_config: node in your pubspec.yaml file:

msix_config: display_name: Flutter App publisher_display_name: Company Name identity_name: company.suite.flutterapp msix_version: logo_path: C:\path\to\logo.png capabilities: internetClient, location, microphone, webcam

See Configurations Examples And Use Cases.

Available Configurations # MSIX configuration (click to expand) YAML name Command-line argument Description (from Microsoft Package manifest schema reference) Example display_name --display-name -d A friendly app name that can be displayed to users. Flutter App publisher_display_name --publisher-display-name -u A friendly name for the publisher that can be displayed to users. Company Name identity_name --identity-name -i Defines the unique identifier for the app. company.suite.flutterapp msix_version --version The version number of the package, in a.b.c.d format. see how the msix version is determined. logo_path --logo-path -l Path to an image file for use as the app icon (size recommended at least 400x400px). C:\images\logo.png trim_logo --trim-logo If false, don't trim the logo image, default is true. true capabilities --capabilities -e List of the capabilities the app requires. internetClient,location,microphone,webcam languages --languages Declares the language resources contained in the package. en-us, ja-jp file_extension --file-extension -f File extensions that the app may be registered to open. .picture, .image protocol_activation --protocol-activation Protocols activation that will activate the app. http,https app_uri_handler_hosts --app-uri-handler-hosts Enable apps for websites using app URI handlers app., execution_alias --execution-alias Execution alias command (cmd) that will activate the app. myapp enable_at_startup --enable-at-startup App start at startup or user log-in. true store --store Generate a MSIX file for publishing to the Microsoft Store. false Toast Notifications configuration Build configuration (click to expand) YAML name Command-line argument Description Example debug --debug or --release Create MSIX from the debug or release build files (\build\windows\runner\), release is the default. true output_path --output-path -o The directory where the output MSIX file should be stored. C:\src\some\folder output_name --output-name -n The filename that should be given to the created MSIX file. flutterApp_dev architecture --architecture -h Describes the architecture of the code in the package, x64 or x86, x64 is default. x64 build_windows --build-windows If false, don't run the build command flutter build windows, default is true. true windows_build_args --windows-build-args Any arguments for the flutter build windows command. --obfuscate --split-debug-info=C:\Users\me\folder Sign configuration (click to expand) YAML name Command-line argument Description Example certificate_path --certificate-path -c Path to the certificate content to place in the store. C:\certs\signcert.pfx or C:\certs\signcert.crt certificate_password --certificate-password -p Password for the certificate. 1234 publisher --publisher -b The Subject value in the certificate. Required only if publish to the store, or if the Publisher will not found automatically by this package. CN=BF212345-5644-46DF-8668-014043C1B138 or CN=Contoso Software, O=Contoso Corporation, C=US signtool_options --signtool-options Options to be provided to the signtool for app signing (see below.) /v /fd SHA256 /f C:/Users/me/Desktop/my.cer sign_msix --sign-msix If false, don't sign the msix file, default is true.Note: when false, publisher is Required. true install_certificate --install-certificate If false, don't try to install the certificate, default is true. true ✒️ Signing options #

Published MSIX installers should be signed with a certificate, to help ensure that app installs and updates come from trustworthy sources.

For development purposes, this package is configured by default to automatically sign your app with a self signed test certificate, which makes it easy to test your install prior to release. If you publish your app to the Microsoft Store, the installation package will be signed automatically by the store. If you need to use your own signing certificate, for example to release the app outside of the Microsoft Store, you can use the configuration fields certificate_path and certificate_password to configure a certificate of your choice.

You can also provide custom options to the signing tool with the --signtool-options command, as shown above. For more information on available options, see the signtool documentation. Note that using this option overrides the certificate_path and certificate_password fields.

Note: By default, the MSIX package will install the certificate on your machine. You can disable this by using the --install-certificate false option, or the YAML option install_certificate: false.

microsoft store icon Publishing to the Microsoft Store #

To generate an MSIX file for publishing to the Microsoft Store, use the --store flag, or alternatively add store: true to the YAML configuration.

Note: For apps published to the Microsoft Store, the configuration values publisher_display_name, identity_name, msix_version and publisher must all be configured and should match the registered publisher and app name from the Microsoft Store dashboard, as per this screenshot.

🌐 Publishing outside the store #

You can use the App Installer file to enable your users to install and update the app from local file share.

Note: installing from the web ms-appinstaller: is disabled for now.

To create a App Installer file, first set the publish_folder_path configuration, then run the following command:

PS c:\src\flutter_project> flutter pub run msix:publish Available configurations for App Installer (click to expand) App Installer configuration example: msix_config: display_name: Flutter App app_installer: # flutter pub run msix:build

Then edit the files that were created in the build folder.

After that create a msix installer file from those files with the following command

PS c:\src\flutter_project> flutter pub run msix:pack

Tags: msi windows win10 win11 windows10 windows11 windows store windows installer windows packaging appx AppxManifest SignTool MakeAppx






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